moloo©¬experience the real¬


i dont wanna wait in vain for ...

uhuh! it is love when you can't sleep, when you start dreaming, fantasizing about all the wonderful things you could do together. planning outdoor picnics during the cold winter, taking extended trips on the train when you could fly and be at your destination in an hour or less, just so you could have time to sit together, chill ... and all that jazz. Yeah I am in love and I haven't even seen you yet. sweet, sleek, smooth, strong and covered in titanium!

uhuh! for my new year's rendezvous under the mistletoe, I choose ...or chose... a new 15" powerbook G4. Sweet ain't it? I refuse to disclose the specs for fear you salivating haters out there might actually get off you asses and get yourself one. After a week of waiting and tracking its tortuous route from China, through Arkansas - Arkansas? why on earth Arkansas? - it should be here soon enough. I have made the switch from windows, perhaps for good. To be precise, I made the switch more than 2 years ago when I tried out the then Linux flavor-du-jour, Mandrake. I will leave the Mandrake story at that. Suffice it to say that my Fedora core 3 installation is peacefully coexisting with my XP partition on my desktop. And i know which of those OSes is going to whine for lack of attention.

if the postman is nice to me, my next post will be from my G4 baby. Go ahead, say envy!


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